Quality / R&D

Quality / R&D

Our customer’s satisfaction is our number one priority. We know that innovation is essential to them, and thus, fundamental to our future growth. To succeed we have transitioned from being a traditional cable manufacturer to a provider of customised solutions within energy and telecommunication.

Prysmian has 25 research and development centres of excellence across 10 countries with more than 600 skilled professionals doing nothing but developing solutions that will solve your current and future needs. At this point it has generated over 5000 patents granted or filed as well as advanced proprietary technologies. In 2015 alone, we spent approximately AUD$110 million on research and development.

Our incentive programs like prize for patent registrations are in place to source ideas, share knowledge and create an innovative mindset. This helps to achieve not only better and lower-cost products, but also safer and more eco-efficient solutions.

In addition we have long-established relationships with major universities and research centres across the world. These include the Polytechnic University in Milan, Trento’s Bruno Kessler Foundation in Italy, the University of Barcelona in Spain, the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil and the University of Delft in Holland.

Our conscious approach to use our global capacity in research and development to solve our customers’ requirements on a local level has led to Prysmian becoming the world leader within our field of business – not to mention all our satisfied customers. We will make sure it stays that way.

Quality at all levels

A fundamental part of our cable manufacturing business is to ensure quality is present across every process. This is accomplished by strict monitoring of production processes, from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of the completed product. It includes regular auditing  (internally and to suppliers) as well as verification of certificates stating conformity of materials to the  Australian Standards  as well as  those specific requirements  agreed with customers.

We are committed to deliver quality products at all times and express that commitment in our Quality Policy.

Quality Policy

Please visit our global website for more in-depth information and references – www.prysmian.com