
Unbeatable as a Royal Flush

categories: Construction 

27/07/2016 - 12:52 PM

Our D@tacomms range is a truly winning offer.

Explore the links below to see how we can help you meet your D@tacomms needs.

Copper Telecom Cables 

  • M@XLAN - Copper LAN Cables
  • Connecting wires
  • M@XTEL - Indoor/Outdoor telephone cables

Optical Cables 

  • Indoor/Outdoor optic fibre riser cables
  • OptiC@t5e - Composite cables
  • Outdoor optic fibre cables

Inform@x - Instrumentation Cables 

  • Overall screened cables
  • Individually screened cables

Give us a call and we'll explain how doing business with us will deal you an unbeatable hand.

Download our flyer here

Contact us:

PH: 1300 300 304

E-mail: [email protected]